Ruby Nozzles

Specialized nozzle fitted with polished Ruby tip for durability and high fluidity.




Polished Nozzle Tip

The nozzle tip is polished to avoid material instability and accumulation caused by difference in the surface tension between the nozzle tip and dispensing material.



Key to Part Number




Outline Drawing



Standard Dimensions


Part Number Tip Dimension
I.D (Ф)mm O.D (Ф)mm
R-050150000SN-A021 0.05 0.15
R-070170000SN-A032 0.07 0.17
R-080180000SN-A022 0.08 0.18
R-100200000SN-A023 0.10 0.20
R-150250000SN-A024 0.15 0.25
R-200300000SN-A025 0.20 0.30
R-250350000SN-A026 0.25 0.35
R-300400000SN-A027 0.30 0.40
R-350450000SN-A028 0.35 0.45
R-400500000SN-A029 0.40 0.50
R-450550000SN-A030 0.45 0.55
R-500600000SN-A031 0.50 0.60

Material : SUS+RUBY


Related Sites

Ruby Nozzle created for liquid crystal panel manufacturing to improve coating quality


Office Hours: 8:30am - 5:30pm PST
